What is Content Syndication? When content itself or the url to that content is re-shared or republished either on a website or via social media for a fee or free, that is called content syndication. What does content syndication have to do with SEO? It’s a faster form of content marketing and it’s mainly to bring in more relevant web traffic and will include a backlink. It’s like an exchange between a website to get more content that matches their other content and the content creator get’s more exposure, traffic and a backlink.
More Web Traffic With A Backlink Too
Every website wants to gain more backlinks. With content syndication, a backlink is the only way back to the website for more relevant content or to follow the CTA. When placed on a popular website, a webpage article can entice users who are already in the frame of mind to find relevant CTAs more enticing. If a user was already reading about drones and they get to the end of the article and there’s a listing for a drone sale, the click through rate will be pretty good.
Content syndication offers another way to guest post basically but more frequently normally with a bigger website and most times with a fee. Now these backlinks can be ” follow ” or ” nofollow “. Just remember that if you pay for this content syndication service, then technically that’s paying for a backlink and you’d need to ” nofollow ” that backlink to avoid any manual penalties. So a more traveled route for markets and businesses is to use social media content syndication.
What Is Social Media Content Syndication?
Using social media connections to spread the word of webpages via posting older posts to relevant webpage content is social media content syndication. Often having older content that could help someone retweeted, shared or mentioned from other users online who are in your network can have a dramatic impact on website traffic. Even mentioning relevant content to user posts that could benefit from reading. If the content on a website could benefit the users of that social media platform, mentioning it will do two things. Bring in added web traffic to the website as well as bring in more relevant users who are more likely to convert into goals.
Social Media Syndication Could Go Further
By now many know about the viral reach of a well placed social media post. And how it doesn’t need to be a meme to spread like wildfire. So it’s easy then to imagine how engaging with relevant content on social media platforms and dropping a URL to a webpage could be beneficial to a website.
Users are already engaging with relevant content material, so user intent is already present and placing an outlet for that intent becomes more enticing. When you compare the ability of what social media can do to what the paid content syndication websites can do, you start to see an advantage with social media. It’s free, doesn’t need to rely on traffic from a popular website and the intent of user traffic is more relevant.
Adding User Trust With Content Authority
Social media posts inside of various niches do the hardwork of gathering user groups of particular interests. By placing a brand content in relevant social media posts, in authentic ways can be some of the best user trust signals around. The whole goal of a brand is to reach potential customers, that’s why it should be every brand’s mission to be active in authentic ways on social media.
When authentic is used it just means to add something of value to the discussion at hand. It’s NOT being spammy and ignoring what was talked about and saying ” hey, come see this webpage! “. That’s just distasteful and only will create a bad image for the brand overall. A good example of positive brand engagement on social media is T-Mobile’s CEO John Legere who actually engages with user content on Twitter in a relevant manner that engages!
Does Your Brand Use Social Media Properly?
Contact SEOByMichael or schedule an SEO audit and let’s make social media work for your website!